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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A Turkey under a Crescent Moon

It’s been more than a week since the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr and Thanksgiving is only a few days away. I thought I wanted to post an entry abt sth related to these occasions, but I’m just feeling farking lazy to do anything these days (laziness…maybe it’s time to grab a bar of Snickers!! <-- yeah, yeah..I know most of you prolly wouldn’t get this joke but what the hell...). anyways here are some Hari Raya pics we took during Ramadhan a few weeks back (credits to pitek for the pics).

bloomington family

the guys

I’m not doing anything for the Thanksgiving break except maybe burn some rubber in Need for Speed Underground 2 or do some serious ass-whippin’ in WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw w/ the guys on my PS2. I also have a lot of catching up to do on my reading (finished Mick Foley’s Tietam Brown recently; thinking of finishing Lolita and then maybe start on Warcraft: Part 2 of the War of Ancients Trilogy: The Demon Soul <-- yes, I’m a geek and I dig these kinds of books). maybe I’ll post the aforementioned entry that I’ve been postponing to do so many times in a couple of days. in the meantime, just for the sake of bragging, here's a pic of sth I did on the 1st of Syawal....

big bird

(for the slow, yes that IS indeed a turkey. it took us nearly a week to finish that goddamn thing)


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