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Monday, January 23, 2006

Interview with an MCP

Since I have nothing better to put up, I thought I might as well publish this “interview” I had w/ my fellow journalist-wannabe friend, adrian mythia (it was done last winter during a period of utter boredom). some parts have been edited just because I felt like doing it (so sue me).

adrian m : so lets start w/ some basic stuff. I'm sure there are ppl who're still wondering abt the golden question: "what is imcp"? what does it mean?

imcp : you know, despite putting up a brief explanation on this in my FAQ section, I still get ppl who approach me and ask this stupid question. and it's really annoying when they come up w/ their own crazy interpretations when the name "imcp" is obviously self-explanatory.

adrian m : well excuuuse us for not being "smart" enough to figure out your fancy nickname. besides, most ppl only use 3 letters as initials; "imcp" is like 4. it's too long don'tcha think? it doesn't sound cool.

imcp : and "adrian mythia" is supposed to be an awesome pen name? it sounds stupid. like an anagram of someone else's name or sth. anyway, to finally put the question to rest, "imcp" is basically a play on the phrase "I-am-mcp" and the first two letters of my first name which happens to be "I" and "M", hence "imcp"(go look up in a dictionary right now if you don't know what an mcp is). since I don't like repeating myself that much (it's bad for my health you see), the next person who asks me abt this again gets punched in the face. or balls. whichever works fine. better yet, I actually hope ppl would spare themselves from looking like dumbasses by not doing useless things like finding out the meaning of somebody's nickname.

adrian m : okay, okay. geez. no need to get so harsh. so tell us a bit abt your background: your family, upbringing, school days, what are your good personality traits etc.

imcp : eh? what's w/ all these formal questions? this isn't some twisted job interview is it? or is this some kind of psychotic interrogation technique you journalists employ as a cruel joke on unsuspecting interviewees?

adrian m : well you said you wanted an interview, so I just wanted to ask general questions before moving on to stuff like your career aspirations or sth.

imcp : yeah, but I don't think you need to be THAT formal.

adrian m : okay, okay., uhhh... what do you do nowadays?

imcp : wow. could you get any more boring than that? I mean, why the hell would anyone want to know my daily habits anyway?

adrian m : but you said you wanted it to be informal.

imcp : yeah but that doesn't mean you hafta ask trivial shit like that. *sighs* but if you must insist, nowadays I just stay awake at night, usually surfing the net (not necessarily for porn) or playing World of Warcraft until really late. during the day, aside from going to Avalon on Thursdays to play yugioh, I spend most of the time sleeping. yes, I have a very dull life. basically I'm mostly awake at night and in deep slumber during the day.

adrian m : so you're more of a nocturnal person then? like a vampire? *small laugh*

imcp : yeah, like a vampire; created by Lestat. and after this interview, you're prolly gonna ask me to turn you into one too eh?

adrian m : huh!!??

imcp : nvmd

adrian m : since you seem to have a lot of free time on your hands, why not do sth productive? oh I don't know... like maybe updating your godforsaken blog more often? *laughs*

imcp : oh, you didn't know? I have a ghostwriter who writes all of my blog entries. in fact, the reason I went on a hiatus for 2 months (September & October '05) was because my ghostwriter got exorcised, so I had to start writing everything on my own. stupid ghostbusters didn't believe my spirit chum was a nice fella. fucking retards.

adrian m : r-r-right...what abt work? why don't you get a job?

imcp : what do u mean I don't work? I'm actually working a sexy secret agent sent by the govt. to rescue women from their virginity.

adrian m : *speechless*

imcp : nah, I'm just messing w/ you. *laughs* actually, one of the reasons why I don't work is because I'm lazy.

adrian m : but you could earn extra cash to buy stuff.

imcp : I'm already a stingy bastard, so the allowance I get is adequate enough to let me splurge on my hobbies (comics + video games + yugioh) and make trips to restaurants every now and then. of course extra cash is always nice, but it's really not a necessity (at least not for me). w/ no real incentive to work for extra cash, so I don't even bother that much looking for jobs right now. besides, since I'm most likely gonna end up as a corporate slave or at least spend a large part of my life working, so I'd rather focus my free time on my hobbies while I still can.

adrian m : that's kinda narrow-minded don't you think? I mean, it's the working experience that counts. you could really build a good resume w/ it.

imcp : hah. you really think that my future employers will really care that I worked as a librarian or at the college cafeteria? fuck that. if you really must know, I'm already student by day and serial cat rapist by night. I initially proposed to impregnate several girls I know, but they rejected me so I decided that I'd try on felines instead. it's really a demanding job you know. the cats can be rather... "uncooperative" at times...

adrian m : *shakes head* you are one messed up man you know that?

imcp : gee, thanks for telling me that Captain Obvious. what're you gonna tell me next? that we need to breathe air to live?

adrian m : *sighs* dude, have you ever thought of doing stand up?

imcp : what're you insane? hell no!!!

adrian m : why not? you're always sarcastic 24/7. might as well do a comedy routine as a professional career. w/ that sardonic sense of humor of yours, you could prolly make a name for yourself or sth.

imcp : I'm gonna hafta pass. I think comedy is a very taxing profession since you always need to be creative and provide entertaining material w/o sounding clichéd or lame. it's sth I don't think I'm capable of doing, at least not on a constant basis. and truth to be told, I initially never thought of myself as sarcastic. cynical? yes. partly because I'm somewhat paranoid and have trust issues. but sarcastic? hmmm...I remember that it was others who started labeling me as sarcastic and the reason I eventually accepted it is because I think they might be right or some shit.

adrian m : well you ARE always mocking ppl w/ one-liners and whatnot...

imcp : well, that might be true. but I've always thought that I'm more of a surreal humor person. nothing beats absurdity and the bizarre.

adrian m : guess that explains your fondness for Family Guy and those nonsensical cartoons you draw, eh?

imcp : well I do get kicks out of toilet humor and parody too. and for those who actually take notice, my comics draw heavily upon elements of mockery that poke fun at ppl and stuff I know IRL. you know how geeks always seem to notice so many pop & cultural references in their favorite cartoon shows? it's more or less sth like that. kinda like my own way of making inside-jokes to "amuse" those who are being referred to in those cartoons. what was that word? homage right? yeah an homage.

adrian m : ahhh, I see.

mona lisa: if she were a horse

imcp : oh and not to forget, I love puns too. what can I say? I'm a punny man!!

adrian m : huh... okay now, THAT was lame. now before we stray off into a topic abt your rather in-depth knowledge in humor, lets get back to our discussion abt ummm...your career. what is it do you really want to do in life? where do you see yourself in say, 10 years?

imcp : in all seriousness, I'm not entirely sure myself. back when I was a kid I've always dreamed of making video games but then I thought it was impossible to achieve. it wasn't until last Spring when I took the course Intro to the Video Game Industry that I was inspired to seriously consider finding ways to break into the video game business for real. given the opportunity, I'd most definitely become a game designer. not as a code programmer or computer graphics artist of course, but maybe sth along the lines of a creative consultant. you know, as someone who comes up w/ the ideas for games.

adrian m : so basically the brains of the production team huh?

imcp : I guess you could put it that way. but if not, I'm most likely gonna end up as a govt. servant or some lecturer. still... I have considered other options like becoming a writer or even a cartoonist. we'll just have to see how things turn out.

adrian m : I see, I see.... oh, oh, here's a question that I bet everyone wants to know! why are you an mcp? what's w/ the women-hating schtick?

imcp : okay now first of all, I never said that I hated women. I just....look down upon them. I mean, if I were to truly despise females, who's gonna do all the cooking, cleaning and taking care of imcp jr.?

adrian m : okay...

imcp : yeah, and um...secondly, I could rant all day abt various reasons why I'm a misogynistic asshole, but some of the explanations have already been (either explicitly or implicitly) mentioned in previous entries so I guess a short answer would be it's simply because I think men in general are superior to women.

adrian m : whoa, hold on there. that's pretty debatable right? I mean, not trying to make us sound weak or anything, but what makes you think that guys are indeed better than girls? do you have some kind of proof to back up this claim?

imcp : know what? let's not go into an in-depth discussion abt this.

adrian m : and why not?

imcp : like I said, I've discussed it in detail in a previous entry (see Battle of the Sexes), and even if we argue back & forth for hours, we both know that chances are, we probably won't change our views on the subject anyways so it's pointless. I'll always be a chauvinistic prick and that's that.

adrian m : hey, who knows? I might be able to convince you to change your ways or sth. anything's possible ya know.

imcp : oh yeah, sure. and I have a beautiful singing voice that could charm cows and pigs.

adrian m : *laughs* anyway, I think this interview is already getting long. wouldn't want your readers to be pissed w/ another long entry now do we? any last thoughts you wanna share?

imcp : bah. screw those who complain abt my long entries. since I'm the one who's gonna publish this anyways, maybe I'll take the opportunity to promote YOU to all the ladies out there reading this. adrian mythia is a lonely and horny single guy who is in desperate need of some lovin'. girls, pls get to know him.

adrian m : what the hell?

imcp : and I'm gonna be all like: "his e-mail address is bla, bla, bla. I'd put up his pic but the only one I found on the net is too disturbing; w/ a face only a mother could love" (literally). yeah, that'd be awesome. *evil smirk*

adrian m : dude! I will kill you if you publish that!! don't you [censored for explicit language]

imcp : ahah! you know what? I'm gonna put that up word-for-word and then censor it because it's vulgar and inappropriate.

adrian m : what do you mean "vulgar & inappropriate"? I wasn't even swearing!! I see you cuss and say [censored for explicit language] all the time on your blog.

imcp : yeah, but since I'm the site owner, I'll censor whatever I want just because I can. heh heh heh.

adrian m : *sighs* fine. whatever man. guess this wraps it up.

adrian mythia can be reached at, provided you're not advertising for sex pills. feel free to give comments or whatever.


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